This tale starts on a dare. I met up with some friends after the parade and certainly after downing some libations and getting kinda rowdy and bored on the midway, I posited a theory. I said I bet someone could walk naked all the way down the midway and nobody would stop them. One of the women said to me that she would if I would. I said NO. She compromised.
This is absolutely true.
I walked behind her and her beau as she walked with both her breasts fully hanging out and exposed. While 9 out of ten men did not even notice, the ones that did were not quite sure they saw what they thought they saw. It was a wonderful hysterical experience for me to study the faces of people approaching this woman with her breasts hanging out. (We made sure to cover up around young kids and families – though in State Parks in New York, women are allowed to walk topless and I believe the State Fairgrounds qualify as a State Park). This went on for quite a while until eventually some carnie came running up and said, “hey lady, your breasts are hanging out.” Thank you, Mister Obvious.
Things only got better when the game switched from breasts to butts. The girl had a new game she wanted to play. She would walk up to people; total strangers, and just grab and squeeze their butts. Men, women, young and old, it mattered not. I couldn’t stop laughing.
But alas, the boobs and butts had to come to an end, no pun intended. Fearing arrest, I bid my friends goodnight and said next time, we will figure out something far more interesting.