That 'Godless' Bitch! Raving and Drooling With Ann Coulter
By Timothy E. Evans
National Political Commentator
The MarkBlumReport©
The person you love to hate. The person you’d love to see get what’s coming to them. Like watching the good wrestler like Captain America takes on the evil wrestler, The Ayatollah of Destruction. Staged storylines, staged dialogue and equally staged and choreographed fight sequences. A desperate provocation from the villain and a witty and well-timed reply from the hero that’s followed by a powerful forearm to the jaw. Are you watching World Wrestling Entertainment’s Monday night show or are you watching the interview between Ann Coulter and Matt Lauer?
The Best-selling Joke’s On You
Ann Coulter is no stranger when it comes to controversy. She’s at her best whenever she is releasing a new book. Buy the monkey’s book and the monkey will say something really nasty like a fisherman’s parrot. Buy the monkey’s book and the monkey will perform tricks too. Love her or hate her, Ann Coulter is the monkey that says what it wills and what it feels. Her opinion is what she is and she does not censor herself for neither side’s content. And her books, they sell. The latest book, Godless is already an Amazon best seller. Controversy sells and people are buying despite the fact that the content of her books are nothing more than a journey into a mind of a very bitter and maniacally unstable woman with a social and political agenda. She will give chapters of self-character examples of what she accuses the Left of doing. They are manuals for the Right-wing drones that need a voice to think for them and generally cannot find anything more easily comprehensible than Ann Coulter and the "Coulter-clones" like Michelle Malkin, Tammy Bruce, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. The individuals who cling to a perverted and demented hatred compulsion of Bill Clinton and Liberals like unwanted stains cling to Monica Lewinsky’s dress. They are the unwanted stains of the Conservative cause. The poorly acknowledged yet necessary step-children of the pretty Anglo-Saxon Conservative family that live in the garage and are forced to do the dirty work at their own self-esteem’s expense.
So in Ann Coulter’s new book, she commits a character assassination against widows of the victims of 9/11. A written and spoken concept of destruction that will feed the most controversially deprived individual to gluttony’s content. The predictable Coulter train wreck that’s too horrible to watch but you cannot force yourself to turn away. The great and historical "battle cry" of the Conservatives has been reduced to a weapon of character assassination against anybody that will help the monkey sell books by creating controversy. The latest book is nothing more than another dose of anti-Liberal rhetoric from the young Conservatives of the Reagan years who have grown to be mere drones of the Neo-Conservative movement. They were the young apprentices and mistresses of the Paleo-Conservatives who now have to sell themselves and their ideology to the Neo-Conservative cause which is dwindling down to a mere group session with free coffee, donuts and copies of Ann Coulter’s books otherwise known as Human Events. A poorly planned war will have that effect on you. These were the "young guns" who hated the Communists but since the end of the Cold War, they were desperate to find something else to hate and Liberals evidentially won (or lost) the coin toss. Since then, the anti-Communist venom hidden in the patriotic cry of freedom and democracy has been aimed at the Liberals as well as the weak-kneed Conservatives who fail to conform to the agenda. Coulter and the "Coulter-clones" are no longer called Conservatives but are now referred to as Right-wing Pundits as no Conservative wants to acknowledge them publicly but will use them quite effectively in private.
Too Much G-Force
As the midterm elections approach, the spin has gained enough momentum to where even the pundits fail to notice where it begins or ends. To justify the Marines alleged actions in Haditha, Fox News Right-wing pundit, Bill O’Reilly compared the Marines in Iraq to the American soldiers who slaughtered the SS troops in Malmedy after the SS troops had surrendered peacefully. In his segment with Retired Air Force General, Wesley Clark, O’Reilly proclaimed this SS troop slaughter to be factual and true. What Bill O’Reilly’s facts failed to acknowledge was the events in Malmedy that day were quite the opposite. It was the American troops that were slaughtered by the SS troops after they surrendered peacefully. This is the historical account of that day to be claimed as factual and true. To O’Reilly’s credit, he did quite a bit to support the Liberal’s Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund in support of our troops in Iraq but his shameless re-writing of history does very little to acknowledge the sacrifice of American Troops at a time of war. Remember what the Right-wing pundits say, "Let’s not jump to any conclusions about Haditha until after the investigation has completed." Translation: "Give us a chance to spin this and blame Liberals and Democrats for it." What’s even more shameless is his failure to offer an apology to those who served this country. The "No spin zone" spun itself into quite a predicament with World War Vets.
On Michelle Malkin’s website, she offered the transcripts of a televised interview with a wounded Marine who was present during the Haditha alleged incidents. How one of these Marines can give an interview from a locked down state at Camp Pendleton still remains a mystery but she found it and posted it. I believe it was Dan Rather’s authenticity experts who verified the interview before Ms. Malkin posted it. The claim of this interview was the insurgents in Haditha were shielding themselves with children and the Marines had no choice. This is a claim that can very well be true but only after a thorough investigation has been conducted. As you scrolled down the page of her website after reading this transcript, there was a little paragraph that I was about to read before I found myself to be distracted by a group of big, bright and compelling pictures of Arab children who were heavily armed and wearing terrorist garb with militant Islamic banners behind them and draped over their weapons. My first impression was the same as the reaction of any of her readers would’ve gotten (or were supposed to get) from the flow of this page, the Iraqi children are dangerous and the Marines had no choice. Problem was, they were Palestinian children and they had nothing to do with Haditha, Iraq or the Marines. A smear campaign against the people we’re supposed to be liberating by posting deceptive pictures and then accusing Liberals of jumping to conclusions before the investigation is complete? Fancy web design I say. Scroll down on the same page and Ms. Malkin accuses some newspaper of a smear campaign against the liberators by posting deceptive pictures from Haditha. Damn that Main-stream Media!
Character assassinations against World War Vets. Character Assassinations against Iraq’s liberated children. Character assassinations against the widows and families of 9/11. Main-stream media’s bullies with "bait and switch" multiple personalities. Raving and drooling media sociopaths who will accuse anybody and everybody of anything they themselves are guilty of doing. Reverse psychology from the unconscionable and soulless. The term Godless certainly does come to mind. After so many years of viewing, reading and living with this predictable banter, has the United States finally grown numb to it? Could Ann Coulter’s latest book best be sold in the comedy book section sitting comfortably between the Garfield The Cat and Peanuts? The humorous train wreck that’s horrible to watch but you can’t turn away?
Giving In To The Dark Side
Could it be that what they say is true? Ann Coulter is despicable, rude and obnoxious? Was what she wrote and said in total bad taste? Maybe Ms. Coulter really is a bitter, Connecticut blue blood old maid who will never have her own money and never have her own man. Maybe she does wear comfortable shoes when nobody is looking. Her shelf life is dwindling fast and Playboy is not making her any offers like they may be for the "Witches of East Brunswick". In all fairness, she made the cover of Time Magazine but so did Usama Bin Laden. As she takes the tithes of hatred in the baskets she passes around her Godless church of bitter political controversy, the Coulter-clones sing in the choir in her defense hymn number 377, Oh Ann, We Cannot Think For Ourselves. And if anybody tries to censor this Godless church and it’s parishioners, Ms. Coulter and her clones know right where to find the Liberals and the ACLU to come to their defense.
So lets cheer the outstanding job Matt "Captain America" Lauer did on laying the smack down on Ann "Cruella DeVille" Coulter in the media squared circle known as the Today Show. He was just as graceful and tactful about it as his former co-host, Katie Couric was when she did it to Ms. Coulter several years ago. Its always entertaining to see someone make the same mistake twice. We can all stand in shock and awe over the words and actions of Ann Coulter trying to sell her latest book and the attention from those who follow her and those that protest her. The Liberals and the respectable Conservatives who come to the defense of those poor widows who had to suffer the verbal terrorism from the Godless "Usama Bin Coulter" and all her clones. The creation of such a frenzied controversy that it is almost impossible to notice the subliminal way in which main-stream media has placed 9/11 back in the spotlight for yet another election year. Buy the monkey’s book and the monkey will perform tricks.
Timothy E. Evans
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