By Mark David Blum, Esq. (02-27-2005 )
During my recent early Saturday morning appearance at WSTM, I was given a tour of the facility and had the opportunity to meet some of the wonderful people who work there slavishly bringing high quality news and programming to the Syracuse market. As we meandered about the boxish building, we passed a darkened office. Staring back at me through the glass was an orange tabby cat. I smiled and gave my best “awwww”. What I got back was a forlorn and lost smile and a face rubbed up against the glass.
It was at this moment I was introduced to Doppler.
I remember that day so long ago when I sat with my young bride and watched her do her daily drool over Wayne Mahar’s muscles. It was just another run-of-the-mill evening weathercast to which I paid no attention. But I remember this particular day because it was the day that Doppler the Cat joined the weathercast. Don’t ask me why I remember this event, but it has stuck with me all these years.
Here I was. Face to face with this famous feline.
My first instinct was to ask if I could get a paw print as a souvenir. But I then became aware of the surroundings. Doppler was in a dark office. There were no windows or any form of outside lighting. The one window faced an interior hallway with a view of a wall across the hall. Inside, Doppler’s office was very Spartan with but a desk, a chair, some books, and a computer. (Maybe Doppler likes to spend his days and nights on the Internet ... his screen name is probably SyrHotPssy4U).
After I did my own song and dance on the morning news. I was meandered about the building by a lesser-titled person. Perhaps they should have taken me the direct route. But serendipity brought me back by Doppler’s room. I asked this escort if Doppler was always locked in that office. They answered in the affirmative. I then inquired whether Doppler ever has any human or other contact. They told me that once in a while, people take Doppler out of the office and on rare occasions, take him home. I was led to believe that for the most part, Doppler remains in solitary confinement until his presence is needed on the set.
Those of you who have followed me on the subject of animals and humans know well that I feel human energies should always be expended on human needs before the needs of our mammalian cousins. Evolution did not breed to us to bring lower life forms forward. (Can you imagine if aliens were to land on Earth near Central Park … within 15 minutes, they would approach the nearest dog as ask to see their leader. A civilization that has others follow around behind them and collect their poop is truly the master species).
I defended the notorious Manlius Swan Killer and was appalled at how people were stepping over the bodies of the homeless to pay homage to that dead bird. I read in the news all the time how people give so much of their money and time rushing to the rescue of animals while all the while ignoring human suffering.
Yet, on Saturday morning, I was deeply touched by the horror of a sentient and conscious animal being held in a dark box, alone, and ignored all day. I felt the pain of that feline, as he became aware that he had been snatched from a life of freedom and put into a situation where he is held captive until he has to serve his Masters and prostitute his cuteness to make his Masters money.
I say, FREE DOPPLER. Channel 3 and Wayne Mahar should answer as to why their cat is being locked in a dark and empty box all day every day. Someone should take notice. If I did, then surely you must.
Of course you must also realize that I have no first hand knowledge of any of this. I only know what I saw and what I was told. It could be that Doppler is the life of the party and running the news department. (Given some of the stories that air, such is not entirely impossible).
I just report what I see and how it makes me feel.
(Within days of release of the above essay, …)
Doppler Ganger
By Mark David Blum, Esq. (03-06-2005)
Did I see a ghost last night on Syracuse's WSTM Channel 3 Evening News?
I swear I saw a very fat yellow cat wandering about the television station.
The story screamed out that DOPPLER IS NOT DEAD! DOPPLER LIVES!.
But, was Channel 3 really telling the truth?
First of all, the story itself was funny. Extra reporters and experts were brought in to both prove that Doppler was alive and how rumors in general get started. Did I miss something?
Is not the current Doppler actually Doppler the Third? I thought I read somewhere on the response comments to my original story or on that there have actually been several Dopplers. I thought I read that the first one refused to stay on the set and was given away, another was run over by a car, and this is the third one picked up from an animal shelter. If true, then Channel 3 was not being truly forthcoming.
If there have been three Dopplers and one was hit by a car, then indeed Doppler is dead. Or at least, a different Doppler was dead. Is "is" is?
Second, and more importantly, WSTM made an issue showing the cat meandering about and posted on their website how well cared for he is.
What I saw was a clearly well fed animal who obviously does not get very much exercise. If this animal meanders about the building as much as the news station proclaims, then how is it that Doppler looks like a cat and a half?
At no time were we shown the so-called "plush surroundings" which surround Doppler nor did a single person state on air that they in fact assure that Doppler gets plenty of love and attention.
Methinks they doth protesteth too loudly. Me also thinks they did not answer the question.
What say you?