Assemblyman Jeff Brown, I am Calling You Out!

By Mark David Blum, Esq.

First let me say that I have known Jeff since we were in law school together. I have eaten at his home, met his family, and consider myself a friend of his father. Jeff and I will never agree on anything political and do not travel in the same circles. Apparently, my blood is not blue enough to qualify.

I firmly believe Jeff is an honorably intentioned man. He is good and kindhearted and is the guy you want to marry your daughter. He does however have bad counsel, which may explain his political impotence these past years in office. Overall Jeff has failed his promise to take up the cause of giving New York citizens the power that is theirs originally; the power of the referendum. Jeff sat on the all-powerful Assembly Health Committee but took no steps to help passage of the Medical Marijuana Act here in New York. He took campaign donations from the pharmaceutical companies to make sure New Yorkers do not get Canadian drugs. Jeff did nothing to bust the power orgy in Albany. He chose gravitas from party bosses over doing the People’s business.

Lying and misrepresenting are almost standard fare these days for Republicans. But in a move so dangerous and disgusting, I read how Brown is actively working to prevent upstate voters from having a selection of candidates on the ballot. It is appalling that a man who allegedly touts his role as a soldier, lawmaker, father, and American would devote energy and resources to block the American people from being able to have the candidates of their choice on the ballot. Being unable to win an election at the ballot box, this Republican like so many others, use the Courts to cripple all American’s rights to vote for the candidates of their choice.

But my ability to remain friendly and hospitable toward Mr. Brown ended with the recent spate of radio commercials he is running on WSYR. Frankly, I am sick and tired of listening to the gross misrepresentations and attempts to outwardly lie to the public in an effort to garner votes.

For example: Brown’s commercials starts out with the sound of a fighter jet screaming across the sky with a woman’s voice reminding listeners that Jeff Brown is a “Captain” in the 174th. As public information officer, Mr. Brown’s has no more to do with the 174th military capabilities than does a hospital orderly in open heart surgery. The ‘captain’ part is a military rank; not a job description. Mr. Brown is no ‘captain’ and I even question his ability to handle a weapon in anger or in defense on his nation.

Another example: Brown’s commercial argues that voting for Brown against Valesky will result in more of a voice for upstate against the downstate power interests. This is apparently the entire foundation and platform for Brown’s campaign for State Senate. Senator Valesky is a Democrat. The New York State Senate is dominated by Republicans; 35-27 and run by that downstate Republican, Joe Bruno. We are all familiar with how much damage he, Bruno and the gang of three have done to this State. Should Brown manage to unseat Valesky, Brown will not be doing the bidding of us Upstaters, but will instead add just another robotic voice to the downstate stranglehold. By putting another republican in the State Senate, New York can look forward to many more years of abusive choking control by downstate Republicans in the Senate. Instead of staying where he has a loud voice, Brown wants to disappear into the majority and do his Masters’ bidding.

A third example: Brown’s commercials repeatedly tout how he, Brown, allegedly never voted for a tax increase. His argument is that taxes are bad for business. What I am still waiting for is an explanation from Brown how despite TWO TERMS in the State Assembly, how he failed to bring about a reduction in taxes. New York’s current problem is not pending or probably tax increases. Our problem is that taxes are already too high and need to come down. Brown has done nothing to advance that cause. More important than taxes, however, is spending because until spending is brought under control, taxes will never be able to be lowered. So, Mr. Brown smoke and mirror dance about never voting for a tax increase is a coverup for his affirmation and sanction of current spending and tax levels.

Jeff Brown’s campaign is all about appearance and offers no substance. I still remember how fast he rushed into the Todeschini tempest to garner attention to himself and suck up to police. Rather than behaving with the quiet reflection of a Lawmaker, Brown thrust himself in front of a grieving pregnant widow to grab the spotlight and position himself as a savior of police. In reality, the Assemblyman did doing nothing more than sucking up for votes and making New York a far more dangerous place to live.

Mr. Brown has also set himself up as the voice and advocate for the far right wing crazies. He appeared numerous times on Bill Colley’s former radio show. In May of last year and according to John Alvarez, Mr. Brown promised to open a State investigation into the goings-on of the Syracuse Peace Council. This attack on free speech and super pandering is a clear and present danger to all of us.

Brown also talks frequently about how hard he works in his current job as a State Assemblyperson. But if memory serves, back in 2004, I heard Jeff on WSYR radio advising me how then, once again the New York State budget was going to be late. Counties, cities, school districts, police and fire services, and public service agencies were not able to finalize their budgets. The entire State hung in limbo. To my utter dismay, Brown then announced how he and his colleagues took off for a twelve-day “Spring Break.” My daughter does not get a twelve day ‘Spring Break”. I could never take a 12-day Spring Break. We, as constituents, voters and citizens of New York had to just sit tight and hold our collective breaths until Mr. Brown and his colleagues got their fill of ‘Girls Gone Wild’.

The bottom line is that Jeff Brown brings nothing to the table as a reason to unseat Dave Valesky. Brown would do nothing more than disappear into the dark ranks of his party. He would not be in a position to stand up and oppose bad legislation. Nothing Brown says or has done gives me reason to believe that his campaign is nothing more than a narcissistic dream for self accomplishment while doing as little as possible to achieve that aim.

Jeff Brown, what have you done for your constituents lately?

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