By Mark David Blum, Esq.
Whether t’was the idiotic headline writer at the Syracuse Newspapers or just the plain ignorance of the protagonist of the article, it is of the utmost shame to label oneself a 'Syrajew'. No mench would stoop so low. Syrajews – are your offices located on the Fayettvilla D’LaRosa? In Texas, is there such a thing as a Corpuschristian? Crucifix Mall is hiring. Islamofabius east through Matzadison County has some great bike riding roads. Shall we do the obvious and rename University Hill “Masada” whenever the football team takes the field?
As a Jew, hybrid restaurants are OK; you want Mexican/Thai that is fine. But to take something as treasured as the identity one has with one’s God and merge that into the word ‘Syracuse’ is wrong. It is immoral, unethical, and defies logic. Jews would never support a solidly Christian community like Syracuse. Historically, we do not stand by while our fellow citizens are oppressed. As a culture and a religious ethos, we are not evangelical nor do we recruit.
From the art of language; the word ‘Syrajews’ is god awful disgusting. First is the obvious: ‘Jews’ are a proper noun; notwithstanding the attitude of some local country clubs. Spell the word with a capital ‘J’ preceded by a hyphen. If you are going to grind up English, at least stick with the rules. Schticking it up a la Madison Avenue aurally screeches across the chalkboard in my brain.
Then, there is the whole exclusionary issue. Syrajews implies us Auschlanders in the ‘burbs ain’t worth a Syradime. I haven’t seen a Syragogue anywhere beyond the Syracuse/Dewitt border. An inclusive group seeking to widen the community of Jews would at least schmeer a bisel on my bagel too. I am not asking for a Yellow Star or an autographed copy of the Bible. Try, ‘the Onondaga County Fighting Maccabees”. Which Jew wouldn’t want to join that? I bet quite a few non-Jews would go get circumcised just to be a part of the group that controls and owns everything. “Say der, is that lamb shank you are roasting?” Kiss Eliyahu for me.
Now, to the real point of this discussion: Two nights ago, Rabbi Aryeh Spero, president of the Caucus for America, weekly columnist for Human Events online, and host of a nightly radio program, "Rightalk" was the featured speaker at the Onondaga County Conservative Party's annual spring fundraising dinner. His presence alone sends chills down my spine. Speaking where he did establishes his status as angel for Messianic Christians. Rest assured, Rabbi Spero speaks for no Jew I know.
In Judaism, the word ‘Rabbi’ means ‘teacher’. It does not mean leader or spiritual interpreter or burning bushes with god holier than thou funny dressed man. Most definitely, a rabbi is just a teacher. Our God tells us to decide each for himself as to what meets the First Unwritten Commandment: Treat all others as you would yourself. Everything thereafter is just interpretation.
Rabbi Spero is no teacher of mine. In his world, he would have every Jew wearing a Yellow Star and he would be the guy who went on television to convince us doing so was in our best interest. In May of 2006, Spero took to the pulpit to apologize and grovel at the feet of the President and the Republican establishment because Steven Colbert told the truth at the National Press Dinner.
Instead of whining and pandering, the Rabbi should have been standing at Mr. Colbert’s side and lending his voice to the chorus. Colbert was not funny. I agree. But, Colbert was not funny because he told the TRUTH.
Rabbi Spero has brought shame to his people. Jews do not apologize for telling the truth. More importantly, no self respecting Jew would be a member or supporter of the modern day Republican Party and certainly not a Conservative Party member.
Over the past years, I have seen well who in fact are the friends and supporters of President Bush and the Theo-Con movement. I see the hardcore Christian Right being at the President’s core base. Crosses were embedded in the podium at the Republican convention. These are the people who seek to instill Christian values in schools and in society. Republicans are the ones who want to limit voter access to the polls, do not recognize a basic fundamental inalienable right to privacy of the self. Republicans are the party of big spenders (retail, I might add … and to Halliburton as well), and the massive growth of government and taxes. They are a warrior people; an evangelical people.
Jews are not a warrior People. We are a peaceful lot. Culturally, we give so much to our communities and have always worked hard to join in and advance whatever culture in which we find ourselves. We do not even have a concept of ‘Hell’. That idea is a gift to mankind from the cult of Christianity. Until 1948, the Jews opted to suffer the pains of stupid human tricks rather than bring on bloodshed. Those that were not randomly slaughtered just moved on. Since 1948, the words “Never Again” are not a slogan. I guarantee you personally they are a blood oath shared by all Jews.
By the way, did you know the first Jews arrived here in the United States back in the early 1600’s? Apparently, a boatload of about 20 Jews left Brazil and relocated to one of the early American settlements. Someone had to open the bank, be the lawyers and doctors, and start up the newspapers.
Yes, Israel is under attack. No, siding with the current Republican Agenda is not going to alleviate that attack. It is only making it worse. A McCain America wants to escalate the war. The incumbent’s tactic has been “to take the fight to them” so as to prevent the fight from coming here. The problem of “taking the fight to them” means taking the fight to Israel.
Of late, the U.S. is ramping up the rhetoric and provoking Iran who in turn is threatening Israel. If memory serves, it was not until George Bush labeled Iran part of the Axis of Evil that the Iranians turned on their nuclear development machine.
When Clinton was President, he made it his goal to end the Israeli / Palestinian conflict. There were accords and peace and doors opening and withdrawals and but-for the insolvable issue of Jerusalem, it was all but done and over. Then we saw what happens with the Right wing take-over: First Ariel Sharon, then the current President Bush. Since then, the entire region burst into flames. Israelis are building a Warsaw-esque wall. They are not me. I am not them.
I am an American Jew. I am an American voter. I am not an Israeli and my first priority is to American interests. Anybody who seeks to line up support for the McCain or Conservative-based presidency based on religion cannot ask a Jew to support them. Nothing a Jew believes in; socially, politically, morally, or economically is consistent with a McCain Administration and current Republican doctrine.
Most importantly of all, let us not forget that it was our blind charge into Iraq that has become the #1 recruiting event for new anti-Israel sentiment and increased death. Walling off Gaza and the West Bank is making the situation far worse.
As an American, you vote and speak your conscience. But if your status as a Jew is the deciding factor for whom you support as President, then how could you ever stand together with the right wing religious fundamentalists. Israel will be safe no matter who is President. American Jews have a great deal of political influence over Congress. Think of your home, not your homeland. Adolf Hitler was a duly elected leader of his nation and there were Jews running around apologizing and supporting him as well. It can never be, ‘my Country -- right or wrong’.
No matter what, no Jew ever apologizes for speaking out and speaking the truth.